Total Health Systems August Athlete of the Month: Melissa Maurer

Melissa Maurer, Total Health Systems

As many of you know we offer group personal training at Total Health Systems. We use the FitRanX Fitness System.

Each month we will be recognizing one of our FitRanx Athletes. We hope to inspire you and show you that we have all fitness levelsMelissa Maurer, Total Health Systems in our groups. Our trainers have the knowledge to personalize it for your current level and will push you when you need to be pushed.

This month we recognize Melissa Maurer. She has been doing our Fit RanX program for a year and a half. She is one of our most dedicated athletes, leading in attendance with over 200 sessions.

Melissa is married with 5 children. This may explain why she is one the early birds, doing FitRanx at 5:45 am at Chesterfield. Melissa also utilizes our physical therapy, chiropractic and massage therapy services.

Prior to FitRanx Melissa had been doing a Boot Camp class. When she started with us she able to do push ups from her knees. Now she is repping out push ups from her toes on a decline. She is an inspiration to her fellow athletes that watch her improve from week to week. Melissa comes to her workout each morning with a positive attitude and willingness to learn.

Most improved exercise: lunges and any exercise with the Kettlebell.
Favorite exercise : tire flipping
Least favorite exercise : Mountain Climbers
Favorite cheat food : pizza, ice cream and wine
Hobbies: camping and being outdoors
FitRanx Level : Two

Congratulations to Melissa for her commitment to exercise, thank you for letting Total Health Systems be your Health and Wellness Solution.