Total Health Systems's Bio
Total Health System Explains Digital X-Rays - Macomb County, Michigan Hi, my name's Dr. Bill Pohlen and I'm an associate...
Extremities the other Adjustment Dr. Bill Pohlen Total Health Systems of Macomb County It was BJ Palmer, son of the...
Total Health Systems Demonstrates an Adjustment on a Child - Macomb County, MI Hello, I'm doctor Rose Minkiewicz at Total Health...
Running is hard, if it was easy more people would do it. But you ARE doing it and sometimes I...
Macomb County Chiropractor Discusses Groin Pain and Chiropractic Many people list groin pain as a complaint when they begin care...
Total Health Systems Online Personal Training "I need to hire you” For the last 12 years people have been telling...
Trigger Points are Discussed by Total Health Systems in Macomb County, MI Hello, I'm Dr. Joel Hessler, chiropractor here at...
Total Health Systems in Macomb County, MI Demonstrates How to Stretch Neck Hi, my name is Piotr and I would like...
Who got blisters last week? Heat and humidity and longer runs have a way of taking a toll on your...