Total Health Systems's Bio
There is one more group training run leaving from Chesterfield on Saturday. NEW TIME 9:00 am The new time allows...
We are thrilled to have our patients getting out there, being active! Tee-shirts should be available for pick up this...
This year we have asked employees of Total Health Systems to voluntarily publish their fitness goals for our patients, followers,...
Our Team continues to grow. We are up to 35 runners. It’s been great weather to train,...
Our Team continues to grow. We are up to 28 runners. There are a few of you that I don’t...
We are up to 25 runners. All of you will get the tee-shirt size and type you requested. If you...
This year we have asked employees of Total Health Systems to voluntarily publish their fitness goals for our patients, followers,...
Thank you to all of you that have joined! We are up to 17 athletes representing Total Health Systems! We...
Static Stretching will not warm up your muscles. FACT. At Total Health Systems, our priority is to address the whole...