Acupuncture is believed to have originated in China around 3,000 years ago based on documentation dating back to 100 BC. This documentation discussed Qi (vital energy or life force) and meridians (pathways) in the body. In ancient China, meridians were thought to be pathways that created energy flows (Qi); if any of those pathways were damaged, the energy flow would be disrupted, causing disease and other symptoms of Qi stagnation, like pain, irritability, and mood swings.
In acupuncture, thin, rounded needles (most common) or other sharp instruments are placed at strategic points in the body to restore Qi flow, thereby improving health.
Since its origination, acupuncture has been experimented with, practiced, and studied worldwide.
Urinary Disorders
Weight Loss
Chronic Pain
Common Colds
Digestive Troubles
Abdominal Tightening
Menstrual Problems
Premenstrual Syndrome
Smoking Cessation
Stress and Emotional Issues
Allergies and Sinus Trouble
Bowel Movement Complaints
Cosmetic/Facial Acupuncture
The duration of benefits can vary greatly depending on the individual and the condition being treated. The effects can be short-lived or last for several days to weeks. Maintenance sessions may be recommended to prolong the benefits, especially for chronic conditions.
Acupuncture is safe when performed by a trained practitioner. However, there are some risks involved. These include soreness, minor bleeding, or bruising at needle sites. Our team at Total Health Systems is trained to perform acupuncture—please read our What to Expect section for more information.
This depends on the individual and the condition being treated. Some people may experience immediate relief, while others may notice improvements after a few sessions.
Yes, you can. You may read online that showering is not recommended, but this is not a medical restriction. Our practitioners will guide you on best practices following your first session.
Yes! Both acupuncture and chiropractic care promote the body’s natural healing processes. While chiropractic care primarily addresses the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, acupuncture stimulates specific points in the body. Both can aid in reducing pain relief and improving overall wellness.
Very good experience! Only my second time getting acupuncture and the results are amazing. I have RA and Fibro and, at least for now, I am pain free. I look forward to my next visit and highly recommend Total Health Systems.
Cheryl McGuire
New Patient
Acupuncture Session
Returning Acupuncture
Cupping Accessory Per
30 Minute Session
Gua-Sha Accessory Per
30 Minute Session
10 (1) Hour Sessions
Includes New Patient Session If You Sign Up On 1st Visit. No Additional Charge For Accessory Services With This Package Including Moxa, Cupping And Gua-Sha.
Cupping/Gha-Sha Mix & Match Package
Save $10 per session
In Gua-Sha therapy, a rounded stone is used to gently scrape the skin and decrease muscle tension. When used with acupuncture, Gua-Sha can ease pain, relax muscles, and promote faster healing.
Total Health Systems is focused on you - not just your systems. Start your wellness journey today by making an appointment to address your health needs.