Acupuncture at Total Health Systems

acupuncture treatment

Acupuncture at Total Health Systems

MESSA Policies Provide Coverage for Acupuncture

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Acupuncture commonly helps the following conditions:

  • Allergies and Sinus Trouble
  • Arthritis
  • Bowel Movement Complaints
  • Chronic Pain
  • Common Colds
  • Digestive Troubles
  • Cosmetic/Facial Acupuncture
  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Infertility
  • Insomnia
  • Menopause
  • Menstrual Problems
  • Premenstrual Syndrome
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Stress and Emotional Issues
  • Urinary Disorders
  • Weight Loss
  • Abdominal tightening

Acupuncture uses tiny needles to awaken different points in your body, stimulating it to produce natural steroids and release endorphins. Your natural steroids decrease inflammation, while endorphins inhibit pain. All this is natural and without side effects, unlike pharmaceuticals. Not only does acupuncture reduce pain, but it also facilitates genuine healing at the site of the trauma. Moxa is an herb known as mugwort that is commonly used along with acupuncture due to its numerous health benefits.

A diagnosis is made by the acupuncturist after a review of the patient’s medical history, physical complaints, and practitioner evaluation. Based on this diagnosis, points are selected. Most people find acupuncture painless and very relaxing. With some points, patients may feel the “Qi sensation.” This feeling of pulsing or radiating means acupuncture is working! Acupuncture helps your body to heal naturally, and there are no negative side effects–only benefits to your health and well-being! Other Chinese Medicine therapies may be recommended, including herbal and dietary therapies, cupping, gua-sha, and electro-stimulation.

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Acupuncture, What to Expect

  • Acupuncture needles are very small in size commonly compared to a strand of hair.
  • The needles are solid not hollow. They are rounded not pointed which help you feel comfort with the injections.
  • If you feel the insertion, you may experience one of two things (you may feel a small like mosquito bite) then the energy from the tip of the needle.
  • You may also feel a warm electric sensation throughout your body. If you feel any discomfort at all it will easily fade.
  • Acupuncture can be used to help treat multiple medical conditions in a natural way of healing your body, without medications that can often cause side effects which can prevent you from your daily living.
  • If you’ve been suffering from an acute or chronic pain for some time, acupuncture and herbs is one of the fastest ways to help restore your health and wellness.
Guodong Pan, PhD, joins Total Health Systems as a licensed Acupuncturist. He received his education in China where he held an MD and PhD. In the US, Guodong obtained his license as an Acupuncturist in the state of Michigan in 2022. He has more than ten years of clinical experience in China, and more than ten years of research experience in the United States.Guodong graduated from Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1997, majoring in acupuncture. After graduation, he obtained the qualification of TCM practitioner, and worked in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Shiyan People’s Hospital, Hubei, China.As a resident, he was in charge of patients who mainly suffered with hypertension, diabetes, paralysis after a stroke, bone and joint diseases, various chronic pains, as well as other chronic diseases. He specializes in treating patients with acupuncture, cupping, massage and traditional Chinese medicine.

Guodong completed his PHD program in metabolic bone diseases at the Medical College of Georgia in the United States. Since then, he has been researching diabetes and metabolic diseases at Henry Ford Hospital in the United States.

Guodong has published more than ten academic papers and won several awards at national academic conferences. He also won a postdoctoral fellowship from the America Heart Association.

In 2022, he obtained the license of acupuncturist in Michigan, USA and became a contract acupuncturist for two clinics. Guodong loves the profession of acupuncture and looks forward to developing his practice with patients through Total Health Systems.

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